Hi There,

I'm Hannah Lobdell, a recreational gymnastics business consultant, educator and organizational leadership specialist.

I'm here to help gymnastics coaches, directors, and owners by giving them the knowledge, tools, and support they need to be great leaders and run effective, efficient programs. I want to help coaches, gym leaders, and businesses grow and achieve long-time success.

My approach is a combination of utilizing analytical thinking to make data-driven decisions while nurturing the necessary magic needed to run heart-centered gymnastics businesses. 

Aside from Gymnastics Fairy Godmother, I see a lot of live music, love spending a Sunday cooking a big meal and eating together with friends and family, and take every opportunity I can to travel and explore a new place.

Check out my story below!

My Story

Like many a gym-pro, I fell in love with gymnastics at a young age. The gym was where I had fun, made friends, and felt like a part of something. I got my first job working crazy birthday parties and summer camps at my childhood gym. I worked at a gym in college running on energy drinks and Snickers bars, figuring out my footing and developing coaching skills.

I spent four years in sales & marketing, which ultimately wasn't for me, but it gave me great insight into smart business practices.

Laying the Foundation 

In early adulthood, I found myself working for nearly a decade at a 6-location gymnastics organizational powerhouse. I had no idea how much I didn't know until I worked there!

I was surrounded by the most incredible mentors, highly experienced, brilliant teachers, and exceptional humans.

I learned how to be a responsible adult, a good technical coach, an organized program director and a data-driven gym manager. I honed my skills to deliver excellence, efficiency, scalability, and community. I absolutely loved it.  

Planting the Seed

I remember thinking, "I'd like to help gyms run as smoothly as this place does," and decided to invest in myself & my goal, pursuing a Master's degree in Organizational Leadership.

In 2017, sitting behind the front desk of that gym, swapping creative ideas and future dreams with a good coaching pal, the idea for Gymnastics Fairy Godmother was born.


Later that year I moved across the country where I linked up with a dream team in a brand new, small-space recreational gymnastics startup.

There, I had the freedom to apply my knowledge and previous experience to organize effective systems, build efficient programs and create smart policies.

Our team was dedicated, empowered, progressive, different, and happy.  We never stopped learning.

Together, we were able to transform it from infancy into a high-volume, well-oiled machine, a beloved community mecca and a million-dollar success story.

While building that gym, I tested the waters with Gymnastics Fairy Godmotherdelivering coach and leadership trainings that reached hundreds of gymnastics professionals worldwide. 

Tough Transitions

The challenge is the greatest teacher. 

Change can be sudden and unexpected. One day, the gym was thriving under our hard work and shared vision, and the next, it was sold to new owners. In just 48 hours, everything changed, and the new leadership burst in with an entirely different approach. It was a shock to see how quickly the culture we had built started to unravel.

My heart broke for the community I had grown so close to. I saw firsthand how a lack of thoughtful leadership could affect not just the business but the people who made it special. Decisions were made without considering the heart and soul of the gym—its people. It was a tough pill to swallow, watching my colleagues and friends, who were like family, become disheartened and demotivated.

Within 18 months of the acquisition, 22 of our team members, including myself, left the company.  

New Paths

 In those challenging months, I learned so much about what it means to lead with integrity and empathy. I saw what happens when leaders don’t listen, and I realized the importance of staying true to my values, even when it’s hard. This experience reinforced my belief in creating spaces where everyone feels valued and heard.

It wasn’t easy, but going through this tough transition made me stronger and more committed to my mission. I realized that sometimes, the hardest lessons teach us the most, and I’m grateful for that. This journey shaped my dedication to helping others build gyms where communities can thrive, and where leaders are truly invested in the well-being of their teams.

After reflecting upon all that had happened, I took a leap and made a new home for myself across the country. I reconnected with my very first gymnastics coach, and got to work with her helping to organize and grow another young gym.

It was exactly what I needed to think fondly back to my start in gymnastics, remember how far I've come, and re-affirm my commitment to giving back to the sport I love.

My Journey with Gymnastics Fairy Godmother

With my love for recreational gymnastics still burning bright and a very intentional mindset of optimism and gratitude, 

I put my heart into creating Gymnastics Fairy Godmother.

  • Leadership Education: I bring leadership education to people at any stage of their professional journey by combining my graduate studies with hands-on experience in a variety of gym settings.
  • Coach Education: I help coaches grow their skillsets by offering guidance from a place of empathy because I've been in their shoes and understand their challenges.
  • Smart Strategies: I deliver high-standard, efficient systems and smart strategies for gym owners to improve the caliber and success of their their coaching, curriculum, gym environment, culture, business and leadership.

I'm ready and excited to meet, collaborate with, and offer high-quality, transformational support to the recreational gymnastics community.

Now that you know my story, I'd love to know more about yours!

I truly believe that a rising tide lifts all boats--

--and look forward to the opportunity to work together.


Let's Work Together!

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